The Bless Your Pastor movement empowers congregations to think creatively about how to care for their pastors. We hope the movement creates an outpouring of generosity in our communities for those who faithfully lead and teach the Word of God.
National Assoc. of Evangelicals
Bless Your Pastor is an initiative of NAE Financial Health, a project of the National Association of Evangelicals designed to connect and resource denominations, churches and pastors in the area of pastor finances. Visit to learn more and to access self-assessment surveys, resources and online training for your pastor and church to grow together in greater financial health.
Our Beliefs
Bless Your Pastor is a national campaign built on a biblical foundation.
1 Thessalonians 5:12 instructs believers to show our deep appreciation for those who cherish us and diligently work as ministers among us. Pastors are deserving of intentional care, often working 50-60 hours per week to support their congregations. When churches embark on the Bless Your Pastor journey to care for their leaders, a movement of generosity and abundance will be unleashed through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 6:6 teaches believers to share all good things provided by God with their instructors. By financially and emotionally supporting shepherds of the faith, believers are rewarded with renewed hearts, minds and spirits. As a result, entire communities become more generous and Christ-like.
Our Goal
The Bless Your Pastor movement seeks to empower congregations to love and care for their pastors and church staff. Our mission is propelled by a commitment to relieve some of the financial and emotional pressures that pastors feel as they serve their churches.
Our Team
Bless Your Pastor has established a committed and passionate team that share a single-minded vision to encourage, equip and empower believers to care for their pastors.

Brian Kluth
View BioBrian Kluth is the national spokesperson of NAE Financial Health, an initiative of the National Association of Evangelicals to provide solutions for pastors and churches facing economic challenges. Brian regularly travels across the country to speak at denominational, pastor, church and leadership events on pastor finances and church generosity. He is also the spokesperson for the national Bless Your Pastor campaign. Brian is a pastor, inspirational and experienced public speaker, bestselling author, and seasoned radio and TV guest.

Samantha Conway
View BioSamantha Conway is the program coordinator for NAE Financial Health, an initiative of the National Association of Evangelicals. She also coordinates sponsorship for the National Association of Evangelicals. Samantha is a graduate of Denison University. She enjoys connecting with churches and partners to help them support their pastors well.