You’ve shared the list of 50 Creative Ways to Bless Your Pastor with your church and taken up an appreciation offering. Now it’s the really easy part!
Celebrate your pastor (or pastor and staff) publicly in one or more of the following ways:
Collect cards/notes (optional: gifts cards can be included); honor and pray for them in the church
service; plan an appreciation meal; make an appreciation slide show; ask children draw pictures or write
notes; and/or encourage people to post a thank you on social media about why they love their pastor.
Final Step: Bonus Gift! For participating churches that complete all of the Easy as 1-2-3 Steps, we will email your senior pastor a link to a special webpage that will provide a $350 scholarship application to attend a Family Life Marriage Retreat — plus additional vacation and retreat opportunities across America for pastors. Fill out the form to receive this bonus:
*NOTE: If you haven’t completed Step 1 | Share the 50 Ways List or Step 2 | Take Up an Appreciation Offering, go back and do those first! Otherwise, your senior pastor is not eligible for the marriage retreat scholarship or vacation and retreat opportunities.